

Antenatal care

Each antenatal appointment includes; maternal emotional and physical check in, discussing and checking baby’s movements, measuring blood pressure, checking the external growth of your baby and their position in the womb and addressing any concerns or questions you may have. Holistic pregnancy recommendations, blood tests, ultrasounds and nutritional advice will be discussed. The number of antenatal appointments varies and may depend on whether this is your first baby, whether you have received care by a private midwife in a previous pregnancy or due to lockdown considerations.   


Homebirth attendance

Birth is a natural physiological life event. Your midwife’s role is to hold this space to allow your body and baby to unfold and birth in a safe environment and identify any situations that may require additional movement, time or supports.

When labour begins, your Primary midwife will stay in communication with you and provided phone advice. As labour progresses your Primary Midwife will be in attendance to check your baby’s heart rate and movements, observe your contractions and provide support as necessary and closer to birth your Secondary Midwife will also be in attendance. We remain in communication with your back up hospital throughout labour. Your midwives will remain with you after birth from 2-5 hours providing breastfeeding support and post birth care until you and baby are ready for your first sleep, and remain on-call for support until returning the following day. 


Birth and lactation education

The emotional and physical changes that occur during your pregnancy, labour and birth are discussed in detail during antenatal appointments. Physical preparation for labour and birth is an individual journey. We discuss the benefits of becoming birth fit and help to find types of exercise that work for your individual abilities and preferences. Spinning Babies exercises are taught to help assist you with balancing mind and body, and encourage optimal baby positioning. Closer to having your baby, your midwife will explain feeding options, provide breastfeeding resources, and discuss the health benefits of breastfeeding, positions and attachment, establishing supply, and how to express and store colostrum if choosing to breastfeed.


Postnatal care

Postpartum can be a complex time, with cycling hormonal fluxes, immense emotional and physical change and adjusting to meeting the needs of your newborn baby. Support is provided for you and your baby’s physical and emotional well-being including; identifying any postnatal depression risks, breastfeeding support, observing baby’s growth and developmental milestones, perineal care and post birth recovery.

We encourage you to access support from your partner, family and wider community in order to allow plenty of time to heal and bond with your baby.

If your midwife identifies any concerns that need further support they may refer you or your baby to other Allied health professionals. 

Homebirth Costs


Homebirth attendance

Primary Midwife on call & attendance | $3400

Secondary Midwife on call & attendance | $2600-$2800

Additional costs

Birth Pool Hire + liner | $200

Additional Travel Fee (over 40km from clinic) | $500


Antenatal appointment - home | $150

Antenatal appointment - clinic | $150

Care Plan Visit | $450

Postnatal appointment - home | $150

Postnatal appointment - clinic | $150

Medicare rebates

Medicare rebates are available for Medicare card holders. Rebates are approximate and may be higher depending on your Medicare Safety Net. Please visit Human Services for more information.

Antenatal appointments | $50.00

Care plan visit | $298.50

Postnatal appointments | $73.45